Record high temperature 38.6°C Record low temperature -6.2°C Record high gust 56.2 km/h Record high average 45.0 km/h Record daily rain 33.8 mm Record low windchill -6.2°C Record high barometer 1039.8 hPa Record low barometer 977.1 hPa
Daily high pressure 997.1 hPa Daily low pressure 988.5 hPa Daily low windchill 14.0°C Daily high heat index 19.2°C Daily high gust speed 32.2 kmh WSW Daily high average speed 17.3 kmh SW
Forecast: mostly cloudy and cooler. precipitation ending within 6 hrs. windy with possible wind shift to the w, nw, or n.
Station METEO de F1HKX en JN18LN
Dernière mise à jour à : 17:43 PM le :16 September 2015
Météo actuellePartly cloudy/Sec Température actuelle16.8°C (62.2°F), Apparent temp 17.3°C, Apparent temp solar 19.9°C
Temperature Maximum (depuis minuit)19.2°C at: 1:43 PM Temperature Minimum (depuis minuit)14.0°C at: 12:54 AM
Vitesse moyenne du vent (dix minutes)6.7 kmh (3.6 kts) Direction du vent (dix minutes)SW (218°)
Température des rafales16.8°C Rafale maximum (dernière heure)20.9 kmh (11.3 kts) at: 5:05 PM
Rafale maximum (depuis minuit)32.2 kmh (17.4 kts) at: 7:49 AM Maximum des moyennes à 1mn (depuis minuit)17.3 kmh (9.4 kts) at: 7:51 AM
Précipitation (dernière heure)0.0 mm Précipitation (depuis minuit)16.0 mm (0.63 in.) at 3:26 PM
Précipitation Ce mois ci 27.4 mm (1.08 in.) Précipitation To date this year 334.0 mm (13.15 in.)
Précipitation maximum par minute (dernière heure)0.0 mm/min Précipitation maximum par heure (dernières 6 heures)5.8 mm/Heure
Précipitations de hier1.0 mm Point de rosée 14.2°C (Wet Bulb :15.3°C )
Humidité 85 %, Humidex 20.3°C Barometre corrected to msl991.5 hPa
Evolution de la pression -0.2 hPa (dernière heure) Tendance (dernières 1 heure)CONSTANT
Evolution de la pression dernières 12 heures)-0.8 hPa Evolution de la pression (dernières 6 heures)+0.9 hPa
Current Intér. Temp. 23.9°C
Current Intér. hum. 49%
Current solar 84 W/M² Current UV0.6
Maximum solar (depuis minuit) 775 W/M² Maximum UV (depuis minuit)4.0
Current 00:27 hours of sunshine today, current sky: Partly cloudy
Sunshine hours for the year: 755:08 hrs Sunshine hours for the month: 20:36 hrs
Current evapotranspiration rate 1.1 mm per day. Yesterday's reading 2.0

Weather report/Warning/Metars

Paris-Orly, France (LFPO) 48-44N 002-24E 96M
Sep 16, 2015 - 11:00 AM EDT / 2015.09.16 1500 UTC
Wind: from the SSW (200 degrees) at 15 MPH (13 KT):0
Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: mostly cloudy
Weather: light rain; Cumulonimbus clouds, towering cumulus clouds observed
Temperature: 60 F (16 C)
Dew Point: 55 F (13 C)
Relative Humidity: 82%
Pressure (altimeter): 29.26 in. Hg (0991 hPa)
ob: LFPO 161500Z 20013KT 9999 -RA FEW030 FEW053TCU SCT073 BKN090 16/13 Q0991 TEMPO 4000 SHRA BKN012 BKN020CB
cycle: 15

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Created by "Weather Display" software version 10.37R Build 81 at this start time/date 11:34 am 16/09/15